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Monday, May 13, 2013

Cayenne Pepper Tea

This weekend, I completed my first 5k in the Color Run! Most people will tell you that, after a good run or athletic event, you will feel "awesome". In my case, this was true until I got home, when I was suddenly sick. Since cold medicine seems to do nothing, I have been experimenting with various natural remedies found on the internet, using ingredients found on my trusty spice rack.

That's a nice rack.
A surprising solution for a sore throat is cayenne pepper, which also helps ease congestion. Sure, the spiciness of the pepper burns a little, but it helps. If you're miserable, it's worth it.

To make the hot pepper tea, you will need honey, lemon or lemon juice, ginger and cayenne pepper. I used two tablespoons of honey, a squeeze of lemon juice, and several shakes of ginger and cayenne. I didn't use exact measurements for the spices, so vary it depending on your preferences, and how much "spiciness" you can handle. Add boiling water and stir-- I simply used my Keurig for the hot water, on the lowest water setting.

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