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Friday, December 28, 2012

Welcome to "Coles in the Kitchen"!

It's amazing what you discover when you have your own place, and one of those amazing things is how much easier it is to cook and bake when the kitchen is "yours". Add in the explosion of Pinterest, and trying new recipes has become sort of a hobby for me.

As I've collected my own "pinspiration" on my own Pinterest boards, I've come across plenty of cooking blogs, DIY blogs, and more. So I figured that I would add my own contribution to the pool of information. Who knows, maybe you'll be pinning my projects before you know it!

Name of the blog aside (though that is subject to change, anyway), I'll be covering more than just recipes, and including various projects around the house and beyond. I spent 11 months of the last year planning my wedding (so plan on seeing a lot of photos and DIY ideas related to the reception), and decorating the apartment I share with my husband (the original Cole, and one half of the Coles in said kitchen... I cook, he mostly tastes tests and reaches the things that I can't).

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